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春節物流公告🧨1/13海外最後出貨日🧧1/21台灣本島最後出貨日🥜1/25-2/2商城客服出貨皆暫停 敬請見諒

🚛 會員限定:登入會員,並購買咖啡豆滿千享免運優惠(限台灣本島),首購再折$150購物金📣


春節物流公告🧨1/13海外最後出貨日🧧1/21台灣本島最後出貨日🥜1/25-2/2商城客服出貨皆暫停 敬請見諒

🚛 會員限定:登入會員,並購買咖啡豆滿千享免運優惠(限台灣本島),首購再折$150購物金📣


春節物流公告🧨1/13海外最後出貨日🧧1/21台灣本島最後出貨日🥜1/25-2/2商城客服出貨皆暫停 敬請見諒

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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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{{ 'product.bundle_group_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
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  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

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  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x NT$0 {{ item.unit_point }} 點
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{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}

德國 Coffee Consulate RS-16濾杯













The filter's design facilitates optimal flavouring of the coffee since the flavour-carrying coffee fats are not retained, creating more intensive aromas and reinforcing mouthfeel. The result is a pure, intensive and balanced cup with pronounced haptics.




金屬 RS16 濾杯

  • 每一個金屬RS16濾杯皆由單一塊高品質食品級不鏽鋼(316L)製成,沒有任何焊縫
  • 特殊設計幾何形狀和電流特性創造獨特萃取方式。強化咖啡中新鮮水果風味
  • 金屬RS16濾杯,全新體驗,將你最喜愛的咖啡提升至不同次元的風味

塑鋼 RS16 濾杯

  • 每個 RS16 POM 濾杯均由一塊食品級 POM(聚甲醛)製成
  • 特殊幾何形狀和濾杯表面材質特徵創造獨特的平衡萃取。著重咖啡的甜感
  • 塑鋼RS16濾杯,全新體驗,將你最喜愛的咖啡提升至不同次元的風味
    POM 聚甲醛(塑鋼):熱塑性塑膠材質中性能最接近金屬的一種,堅固且可耐久使用,故有塑鋼之稱

玻璃 RS16 濾杯

  • 每一個玻璃濾杯皆是由專業玻璃吹製工手工製作而成(純手工製無法排除底面對中或切口的偏差)
  • 特殊幾何結構及材質成分創造獨特的萃取方式
  • 玻璃RS16濾杯,全新體驗,將你最喜愛的咖啡提升至不同次元的風味

塑鋼 RS40 濾杯

  • 每個 RS 40 POM 濾杯均由一塊食品級 POM(聚甲醛)製
  • 特殊幾何形狀和濾杯表面材質特徵創造獨特的平衡萃取。著重咖啡的甜感
  • 塑鋼RS 40濾杯,全新體驗,將你最喜愛的咖啡提升至不同次元的風味




Coffee Consulate presents a new method of manual coffee brewing: The RS40 is designed for brewing with 40 g of coffee for 500 ml of water (80 g/1 l).


Coffee Consulate

Coffee Consulate is an independent training and research centre that works on the basis of scientific knowledge and research. In addition to various one-day modular workshops, which can also be bundled together, it offers individually designed training courses for the coffee industry and coffee suppliers (hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, etc.)

The most complex programme is the training to become a coffeologist, which includes 12 different one-day workshops and covers the entire value chain from bean to cup. The Coffeologist Training builds on the CoffeeConnaisseur, which in six days presents the essential basics of coffee cultivation and processing, botanical basics, the characteristics of coffees from different countries of origin and the fundamental principles of sensory analysis, aroma science and cuptasting (professional coffee tasting). The second week of the Coffeologist Training can be chosen in different inclinations, which can be chosen from baristas, roasters, technicians, managers or farmers.

All training courses can be booked and attended as individual one-day workshops, bundled two- or three-day training courses, or six-day training courses, and can also be further combined later on and bundled into a training or education block. 

We are always developing new programs and offer special workshops and master classes with special topics and various internationally recognized speakers.